Sunday, June 29, 2008

Simmering Sunday!

Welcome the Sunday earthlings!! Sundays is all about working harder... really hard. I mean the whole week, all of us working people, slog it out!! Really slog it out - at work! Then comes the weekend! These 2 days are completely meant to be your own...dedicated towards, family, friends & society! Right? Wrong. What I am saying here this. There is a difference. The difference is based on specie classification. That means it all depends whether you are a male or a female. If you are a male, you get to laze around all day. You can wake up when you like, chill out with friends, eat if you want, hog if you feel like. Basically, do what you like for as long as you like - no questions asked! Now, if you are a female... then its all differnt physics. Women end up working double on weekends! They do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, etc as a compensation for all the work that men never did during the week days. Whereas men duly contribute towards raising dust, they never as much as raise a finger to clean it up afterwards! So, the nuturer created by God, does it all! And, more importantly, has to do it with a smile... You are not allowed to spoil someone's relaxation!! However, despite of the apparent discrimination, I still prefer being a girl! A woman! A lady! There is so much power! We are the truely powerful - unlike men. They think they know it all! After all, they earn. But they have no idea about a whole lot of things in this world.... And, i truely think no one can ever explain the differnce to them. All I can say for men is, If ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise!! BTW, a "male" friend of mine thinks his feet are pretty a peacocks! So, all I can say is "Dance, baby, Dance!!" Till I have more to ramble about, I should go back to cooking Chicken Xacuti with Goan rice! Enjoy your Sunday darlings!!

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